Salinas Wrongful Death Lawyer

Wrongful Death Lawyer in Salinas, California

Few things in life are scarier than the thought of losing a loved one. Furthermore, losing a loved one due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another party can be even more difficult to process. The sudden loss also comes with medical bills, funeral expenses, and other financial losses that may add to your pain. While nothing can make up for your loved one’s wrongful death, filing a wrongful death claim can help pursue justice and mitigate the severe financial problems the surviving family members suffer.

At Setareh Law, we understand that pursuing legal action during such difficult times may seem daunting. That’s why we handle all the legal proceedings as you focus on mourning. Contact us today to learn how we can help pursue legal action to bring closure and help you move forward.

Wrongful Death Cases in Salinas, CA

Wrongful deaths occur when a person’s negligent or wrongful acts result in someone’s death. While almost any incident can cause someone’s death, nearly all wrongful death cases involve an accident. A Salinas wrongful death attorney can help you file a claim if your loved one fell victim to negligence involving:

  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents
  • Defective device accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Dog bite
  • Construction site accidents

Typically, almost any type of accident that results in the death of someone could warrant a wrongful death claim. Our experienced Salinas wrongful death attorneys will review your case’s details and determine whether negligence caused the fatality. We can then help you pursue monetary compensation against the liable parties.

Why You Should File a Wrongful Death Claim

When a person dies due to another party’s negligence, the surviving family members, such as a spouse, children, or any other person who depended on the decedent, can seek compensation for damages. Pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit allows the surviving family to receive compensation for various damages, including:

  • Economic damages: These are monetary losses such as loss of future income, funeral costs, medical bills, and the value of other household contributions.
  • Non-economic damages: This compensates for intangible losses such as loss of love, pain, emotional distress, loss of companionship, and loss of emotional support.

Losing a loved one may leave a family without the resources to survive. Therefore, seeking justice by filing a wrongful death claim allows them to endure the tragedy without financial stress. That’s why compassionate Salinas personal injury attorneys at Setareh Law are more than willing to help you get the maximum amount you deserve.

Who May Be Liable for Wrongful Death in Salinas?

Unfortunately, determining who is ultimately responsible for a wrongful death often proves challenging. Each case is different, and liability depends on the exact circumstances surrounding the situation. Working with a wrongful death attorney can help determine liability and ensure all responsible parties are held accountable. Some potentially liable parties in a wrongful death claim may include:

  • Medical professionals
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Commercial truck drivers
  • An employer
  • Careless property owners
  • Drivers

Our Salinas wrongful death attorneys will comprehensively investigate to establish liability and gather evidence that can help prove that they contributed to the untimely death of your loved one. 

Working With an Attorney Can Help Your Claim

Even at such a terrible moment, the liable parties and insurance companies will still attempt to dispute your claim. They may question the claim of negligence, reject some of the damages, and do everything possible to settle for the smallest amount possible. Therefore, working with an experienced Salinas wrongful death attorney is crucial to protecting your interests.

Here are the different ways our Salinas wrongful death attorneys help families through complex wrongful death claims:

  • Filing the lawsuit: Eligible parties have two years after the death of a loved one to file a wrongful death claim or litigation. A lawyer can help ensure you don’t miss the opportunity to fight for your right to compensation. 
  • Negotiating a settlement: An experienced lawyer understands insurance companies’ sneaky tactics to push for a lowball settlement. We will negotiate a fair settlement and proceed to court if necessary. 
  • Knowledge and experience: An attorney is best equipped to guide you through each part of your claim. Therefore, having one by your side makes you feel confident that your interests are protected.

A lawyer will handle every aspect of your case so that you can concentrate on your family and grieving your loss. We work tirelessly on behalf of our clients and help them achieve the best possible resolution.

Consult an Experienced Salinas Wrongful Death Lawyer at Setareh Law 

No matter how it happens, losing a loved one due to negligence comes with unimaginable anguish and heartbreak. You may have to deal with bills piling up, all while you are grieving. Worse, the negligent parties and their insurance companies may try to take advantage of you when you’re most vulnerable. We understand you’re going through a difficult time and are ready to help you get your life back on track.

Our highly skilled Salinas wrongful death attorneys at Setareh Law are well-equipped to stand up for families who lost their loved ones to negligence. We believe your family deserves compensation to help pay for the accumulated expenses. Our lawyers are ready to listen to what happened to your loved one and guide you through taking legal action against the negligent parties. Our team also speaks Spanish. Contact us online or call us at (310) 659-1826 without delay to discuss your legal rights.

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