Legally reviewed by:
Setareh Law
December 8, 2023

People visit salons and spas daily looking for a bit of comfort and self-care. Salons and spas tend to be a place for relaxation and a little self-indulgence. Few people consider them dangerous places. Yet, injuries can occur in salons and spas. If you’ve been injured at a salon or spa, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, emotional damages, and other financial compensation relating to your accident.

Common Salon and Spa Injuries

A bad haircut or an uneven spray tan may be an annoyance and unsatisfactory service, but these aren’t grounds for an insurance claim. A dissatisfied customer can often speak to the salon or spa owner, but the circumstances change when a customer is injured. Customers who suffer injuries due to the negligence of the salon/spa owners or staff may be eligible to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. Common injuries and causes that may be eligible for a personal injury claim include:

  • Slip-and-falls
  • Insufficient or improper training leading to injury
  • Failure to conduct pretreatment skin patch tests
  • Misused chemicals
  • Failure to follow treatment procedures
  • Unsanitary tools and surfaces
  • Faulty equipment

People go to spas and salons for good service and to treat themselves. When someone’s negligence injures them, it can negatively impact not just their day, but their quality of life. Injured victims have the right to file for financial compensation, but that doesn’t mean the company’s insurance company will be handing them their compensation easily. Protect your legal rights and best interest by hiring a trusted and experienced personal injury lawyer.

When Is a Salon or Spa Liable?

Whether you file a premises liability claim or another kind of personal injury claim for your injury, you will need to prove the salon or spa was responsible for your injury. Every salon and spa has a duty of care, meaning they must take reasonable steps to protect their clients and guests from harm.

The legal term foreseeability refers to the salon/spa owner’s awareness of the potential harm. Meaning that if the owner knew or should have known there were unsafe conditions in their premises or improperly trained workers on the floor, they are breaching their legal duty. As an injured client or guest, you will need to prove that the salon/spa owner breached their legal duty of reasonable care and that their negligence directly caused your injury. The salons/spa insurance company won’t be in a hurry to compensate you for your injuries. Before they provide you with any compensation, you and your attorney will need to build a strong claim. To prove the salon/spa violated their duty of care, you will need to show:

  • The salon/spa owner should have foreseen the potential for harm
  • The salon/spa service provider did something incorrectly or failed to do what a component service provider needed to do
  • Their negligence was the direct and proximate cause of your injuries
  • The type of injury you suffered and the estimated value of your claim

The legal burden of proof to support your claim can be challenging and tasking if you are also trying to recover from severe injuries. A skilled attorney will help pursue your legal right to compensation so you can focus on recovering.

Let Setareh Law Help You Pursue the Compensation You Are Owed

At Setareh Law, we understand the burden of pursuing legal action against formidable opposition such as large salon and spa companies, which is why we are dedicated to helping our clients pursue their right to fair compensation. We pride ourselves in providing unparalleled, trusted legal representation to our clients across California. Regardless of the difficulty of your claim, we are here to help make sure your legal rights are protected.

If you or a loved one was injured by a salon or spa’s negligent behaviors, we are here to help make sure you are fairly compensated. Call us today at (310) 659-1826 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation. We also speak Spanish.