Long Beach bicycle Accident Attorney

Long Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Long Beach is considered a bicycle-friendly community with plenty of opportunities to ride along the beach, in local shopping areas, and in many types of neighborhoods. However, in spite of the popularity of bicycles for both recreation and transportation purposes, many bicyclists are in danger of being harmed by negligent motorists or other dangers on the roadway as they ride their bikes.

If a driver’s carelessness or recklessness on the roadway has caused you to be injured in a bicycle accident, California’s personal injury claims process provides the opportunity for you to seek compensation by filing a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto liability insurance policy. Having a skilled Long Beach injury lawyer to assist you is an important part of this process.

How to File For Compensation After a Long Beach Bicycle Accident

When a bicycle accident occurs as a result of negligent driving behaviors such as distracted driving, alcohol impairment, speeding, or failing to yield the right-of-way, the injured rider can file for compensation. The lawyer can explain this process, answer legal questions that the rider has about their case, and tell the rider about the services their legal team can provide.

If the rider decides to hire an attorney to represent them, an investigation will be performed by the attorney’s legal team in order to determine any sources of liability. Some bicycle accidents are caused as a result of more than one negligent party. For example, the accident could feature a distracted driver who failed to notice the rider, but it may also involve a manufacturer of defective brakes that were being used that deprived the driver of being able to lessen the impact by slowing down.

Once the attorney has determined liability and insurance resources and has valued the claim, a demand will be made to the at-fault party’s insurer. An attorney will try to negotiate a settlement with the insurer that fairly compensates the claim and spares both sides from the expense and uncertainty of court.

If the insurance provider fails to fairly compensate the claim, Long Beach bicycle accident claimants have another opportunity to seek compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. This is a legal claim filed in civil court that requests that a judge or jury examines the facts of the case in order to determine whether liability has been proven and the claimant is owed compensation.

The Type of Compensation You Can Seek Through a Bicycle Accident Claim

The injuries sustained in bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles are most often serious due to the significant difference in size between the vehicle and the rider, as well as the lack of protective features on a bicycle that would protect the rider from injury. Long Beach bicycle accident claimants can seek compensation for both the expenses and other impacts they incurred as a result of the at-fault driver’s negligence, such as:

  • All costs associated with medically treating the injury
  • Wage loss associated with the time the rider missed from work as a result of their injury
  • Lost earning capacity arising from permanent disabilities that keep the claimant from working or earning as they did before the accident
  • Property damage the rider sustained in the accident, such as damage to their bicycle and riding gear
  • The impacts of the injury on the claimant’s quality of life, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of the ability to enjoy important hobbies

In some cases, when a driver shows willful and wanton recklessness that results in an accident, there will also be punitive damages available. Punitive damages do not involve compensating the claimant for their injury but rather financially punishing the defendant for extreme recklessness.

The Services an Experienced Long Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Provide

In addition to investigating the claim and establishing a value, a Long Beach bicycle accident lawyer can provide several other services to assist their client in the personal injury claims process. They can manage all communication with the at-fault party’s insurance provider in order to make sure the claim is not being devalued.

The attorney can also handle the legal process, ensuring that the claim is filed within California’s two-year statute of limitations on this type of claim. They can also gather evidence and witness testimony to prepare the claim for court while simultaneously continuing to engage the claims adjuster in settlement discussions. They do all this to help their client receive the compensation they deserve after a bicycle accident.

Can You Afford an Attorney?

Fortunately, the contingent fee billing method used by bicycle accident lawyers ensures that anyone who needs help with a Long Beach bicycle accident claim is able to afford quality legal counsel. Through the contingent fee, you only have to pay for your legal team’s services if compensation is received for your claim. The payment is a percentage of the compensation collected for your claim and is not due until the case is resolved.

If You’ve Been Injured In a Bicycle Accident, Call Setareh Law

The legal team at Setareh Law has been helping the injured obtain the compensation they need for over 15 years. We strive to provide quality legal counsel and compassionate support, and we are willing to meet our clients either in our local office, at home, or even in the hospital. We want to partner with you to help you receive the most compensation available for your claim.

To learn more about the services a Long Beach bicycle accident lawyer can provide and to have your case evaluated for free, contact us online or by calling (310) 659-1826. Our lawyers also speak Spanish. 

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